Bedkingdom Coupon And Discount Codes

£20 Off on Orders Over £500

Receive your discount code when you sign up.

This discount is available year-round for all customers who meet the requirements. The uses for this code are not limited.


  • Basket value must be a minimum of £500 or over.
  • Customers must have at least one product in the basket from the selected brands.
  • The selected brands are Flair, Noomi, Recoil, and Maxitex.

NHS and Blue Light Card Discount

You can find the code on the Blue Light Card website once you log in. This code will give you 5% off your order when entered at checkout.

Health Service Discounts

If you have an account with Health Service Discounts, you are eligible for a 5% discount on your Bed Kingdom order. This offer is valid for nurses, doctors, administrators, midwives, and everyone in between.